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I originally hail from Ontario, but have lived in Lethbridge since 2007. I have been in private practice in Lethbridge since 2016. Prior to establishing my practice, I taught in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge (2007-2014) and went on to teach in the Master of Counselling and Master of Education (Counselling Psychology) programs from 2019-2023. I currently teaching in the graduate counselling program for Athabasca University.

My Story

​In addition to being a registered psychologist in Alberta, I am also a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and am an EMDR Certified Therapist through the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). I received my Attachment Focused-EMDR training in the US and training in Somatic Experiencing (SE) in both the US and Canada. I find EMDR and SE are both effective treatments for PTSD and trauma-related issues. I believe strongly in the body-mind connection related to traumatic events. Alongside EMDR and SE, I also have training in Transactional Analysis (TA). 
I also work with Dawn as a cofacilitator offering process-based group therapy training. Dawn and I have presented at conferences both nationally and internationally on using expressive arts in groups and on assertiveness training and have published our work based on this.

When I'm not working, I enjoy travelling, spending time with friends, and cuddling my adorable cats. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Image
  • How I Honour Your Rights As a Customer....
    Before we engage in this educational service you will be briefed on the process and have your questions answered so you can make an informed choice to access my services. Did you know your rights as a customer include, but are not limited to: 1. saying to me, at any time: “I don’t know”, “tell me more”, “I am not sure”, “no, that won’t work”, “sure”, “pass”, and “I feel ____”,. At any time, you can also end the meeting &/or our consent agreement. I also have these same rights. 2. feeling “I have your back”. It is my very firm intention to offer you a confidential space where you feel supported and to leave our meeting with some new ideas as well as new options to ponder. ​ 3. remaining completely in charge of what you do in your career. You have the full freedom to modify or reject any of my offerings and ideas. ​ ​IMPORTANT NOTE: At all times you remain in charge of what you decide to do in your own practice. Educational-Coaching support services, with Dawn, are regarded as an educational service where Dawn is NOT representing any regulatory body, training association, or counselling organization. Thus, you are expected to critically reflect upon any of Dawn's/DPS comments and to use what fits–accept, reject, or modify–according to your counselling practice and style, agency expectations and protocols, your values, and your code of ethics/standards of practice.
  • Are These Meetings Held? Online - yes. In-person - Sure!
    In most cases, you will book your own time slots using Jane. Good news --> Dawn offers a variety of slots during the week and weekend. She is a night owl so there are often late night slots available! If your situation is urgent or is an emergency, then DPSs admin team. will be in touch with you ASAP to offer you some meeting options. Dawn and DPS admin. team aim to move mountains to accommodate you because your situation is urgent, and Dawn and the DPS admin. team want to be there for you. Meetings are offered in a variety of formats - phone, Zoom Pro video conferencing, and/or in person. Offered 1:1 or in networking circles (see the poster above). Fees: Circle of Support - virtual. The fee is a sliding scale (based on what you charge clients). Unfortunately, this service currently has a waiting list, about a year long. However, in the meantime, if you decide to join the waiting list, Dawn offers online free circle gatherings for those on her waiting list about 1 or 2x a year. On-Demand - virtual. The fee for this service is not on a sliding scale like the above option. It is $283.50 (this includes tax) for 50-60 minutes, and must be paid upfront before the appointment can be confirmed. Rapid Response - virtual. The fee for this service is not on a sliding scale like the Circle of Support. It is $341.25 (this includes tax) for 50-60 minutes, and must be paid upfront before the appointment can be confirmed.
  • How Do I Book the Professional Development Assistance Services Meeting?
    If you are interested in receiving this supportive, confidential service, please contact the DPS office and let them know which type of service you are seeking: The office will respond usually within 3 days, but if your need is URGENT or is an EMERGENCY, please indicate this in the subject line of your email as your email will be a priority to us. Thank you.

Contact Us

Thank you for submitting! We will connect with you in 2-3 days. If you have not heard from us then please reach back out to our admin. team:

OWNERSHIP STATEMENT & LIMITS OF USE: Dawn Psychological Services has been incorporated since 2005-2025.


All the information associated with this webpage address: (a) is authored or owned by Dawn McBride/DPS, unless noted or implied otherwise; (b) requires the written permission of Dawn McBride to be used, borrowed, or adapted. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property rules; & (c) is shared for educational purposes, so it should NOT be regarded as a substitute for therapy. And, as Dawn is well known for saying, "Please accept, modify, or reject" any information she shares here/in her trainings.

DPS welcomes clients  & professionals of all sexualities and gender identities.

Flag designed by Julia Feliz & Hayley Brown.

Pride flag - acceptance and safe space for all
Indigenous Canada Flag - acceptance and safe space for all

Dr. McBride welcomes clients & professionals of all Indigenous cultures.

Flag designed by Kwakwaka’wakw artist - Curtis Wilson.

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