Seeking Professional Development Assistance
With Your Practice?
Rapid Response Assistance
1 of 2: For Therapists - Need Guidance For An Urgent Situation?
Within 72 hours (ideally), you can meet with Dawn (an ethics expert) to discuss what you deem to be a highly urgent event (e.g., dealing with an ethics complaint or court order, having an ethical dilemma, immediate business coaching, etc.). Fee: Our 2025 rate for immediate access, up to 60 minutes, is $341.25 (includes taxes).
​​2 of 2: For Therapists - Have An Urgent Need To 'Digest'?
(e.g., the impact of our work or receiving a complaint? giving a testimony?)
Within 72 hours (ideally), you will meet with a DPS-approved registered psychologist (other than Dawn) to utilize the EMDR critical incident stress protocol (e.g., fall out of an ethical complaint, prepare for court, debrief a "dark" moment, etc.). This is a highly confidential service with minimal note-taking (geographical restrictions). Fee: Our 2025 fee is at our top clinical rate, given the immediate access, up to 60 minutes: $315 ​(includes taxes). ​​​​
This service is for those who are seeking PD in any area of practice (e.g., business coaching, consent form development, personalized session note templates, etc.). This service welcomes up to 3 people from the same organization to attend.​Since this service is not urgent, it usually has a booking time of within 3 months. The fee for this service is higher than what we charge our ongoing professionals (see right column): $283.50 (includes GST) for 50-60 minute meeting.
This service is offered on a sliding scale. People have access to all the services in the previous two columns, provided they meet with relevant DPS staff at least twice a year. Other conditions apply, and these will be outlined in the contract. There is an extensive waiting list for this service.
Signing up for this service offers many bonuses, including a sliding-scale fee, invitations to attend networking circles, and training discounts.
Ongoing Assistance
(Circle of Care with Dawn)
*Please indicate the service you are inquiring about*
FYI -- There is no guarantee of privacy of your contact information or this message due to:
(a) inherent privacy violations when using any technology, such as email/text (e.g., security breaches);
(b) your contact information may need to be released to relevant individuals/professionals if you disclose to a DPS staff member that there is a risk of potential harm to yourself or others (including animals), as we may need to alert others/arrange for outside help to attend to those who may be in distress or who we believe could be at risk for harm;
(c) you are not a client/customer of DPS yet, since we have not had the opportunity to put a formal agreement in place with you where we confirm everyone's understanding of what is being consented to, including your privacy limits;
(d) any correspondence to/from DPS staff may be viewed by any DPS staff and filed electronically for at least 11 years;
(e) you have not been briefed on the Alberta laws regarding how long client files are kept when sexual violence, work injury, or disability has been recorded in the file. So, at this point, we advise you NOT to share any information related to the above (e.g., abuse /assault) until you have been informed of your privacy rights via the DPS consent form/service contract.
​We recognize that these privacy warnings may not be relevant to why you are contacting DPS.
We strive to offer "no surprise" services and want to invite you to be careful what you put in writing.
We welcome your contact - Thank you for reaching out.