College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP)
Supervision Training To Become A Psychologist with CAP
*** Please Note: We may have more slots open for CAP supervision in 2026. ***
Congratulations for getting to the stage where you are ready for CAP supervision. Supervision is a true gift ... for yourself and your clients. Receiving supervision can be an incredible, rewarding experience since the focus of supervision is to elevate your skill level - triple it! It is designed to carefully invite you to reach and exceed your potential.
DPS does offer a very ethical, relational developmental, structured process to supervision to ensure the focus remains on you - helping you identify what you are doing well to help your clients, offering of ideas to help clients even more (e.g., case conceptualization skills), and ensuring you are walking the talk so you protect your passion and wellness.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Please read below DPS current CAP Supervisors and the protocol for being a Supervisee.
If you have any questions please reach out to our Admin team:
DPS CAP Supervisors
Dawn McBride
Owner, Reg. Psychologist, Supervisor, National Ethics Expert.
Coming Soon
In development.
Protocols for CAP Supervision
Supervision Services
We offer a variety of
supervision services, such as:
(1) CAP Supervision,
(2) Teaching Supervision, and
(3) Research Supervision.
DPS has​​ experienced Supervisors that are dedicated to assisting you in your journey.
For more information please click the "Read More" below.
Contact Us
FYI --IT IS IMPORTANT YOU KNOW there is no guarantee of privacy of your contact information or this message due to:
(a) inherent privacy flaws when using any technology, such as email/text (e.g., security breaches);
(b) your contact information may need to be released to relevant individuals/professionals if you disclose to a DPS staff member that there is a risk of potential harm to self or others (including animals), as we may need to alert others/arrange for outside help to attend to those who may be in distress or who we believe could be at risk for harm;
(c) you are not a client/customer of DPS yet, since we have not had the opportunity to put a formal agreement in place with you where we confirm everyone's understanding of what is being consented to, including your privacy limits;
(d) any correspondence to/from DPS staff may be kept (e.g., filed electronically via WIX) and if stored, likely for at least 11 years;
(e) you have not not been briefed on the Alberta laws regarding how long client files are kept when sexual violence, work injury, or disability has been recorded in the file - so at this point, we advise you NOT to share any information related to the above (e.g., abuse /assault) until you have been informed of your privacy rights via DPS consent form/service contract.
​We recognize these privacy warnings may not be relevant to why you are contacting DPS :)
WANT TO LEARN MORE about the limits to privacy? Great idea - please see the information under "counselling tab". We believe it is vital you know your rights before you disclosure personal information to anyone in the helping field.
Truly, we welcome your contact - thank you for reaching out.